Оксана тут принесла крипи-новость от Blair Rabbit, автора "Бритвы Оккама". Я думаю, всем стоит почитать, так что перепощу из тумблера:
About a month ago I started to suffer from severe abdominal pain. I had been feeling sick for awhile before that but didn’t really think much of it. When you get used to pain over time it starts to become the norm. Finally the pain was so bad I had to ask a friend to take me to the emergency room.(By ask I mean call and scream at a friend) After two hours of absolute agony in the hospital waiting/tears room they took me in for every test imaginable and came to the conclusion I had a terrible abdominal infection and a unbelievably huge mystery mass taking up most of my insides where my like…internal organs are supposed to be.
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After three days in the hospital on heavy antibiotics I met with a bazillion million doctors and was told they had no idea what the hell was living in my insides. After more invasive and almost inquisition-esque tests they decided I needed “Surgery like yesterday.” So after they were sure the infection was gone I went back to the hospital and let them cut me open from diaphragm to like..a bit below the belly button and they pulled out a 15 pound tumor.
Yes. You read that correctly. A tumor that weighed 15 pounds. I had been walking around for maybe 3 to 5 years with this ovarian tumor and had no idea it was there. It was pressing on blood vessels blocking blood flow to my legs as well as shoving my stomach and bladder to the far reaches of my torso and yet I was unaware of its horrible existence until just recently. During recovery the nurses would come into my room and get ally giddy with excitement. They would lean towards me in the bed and speak in excited conspiratory whispers. Are you her? are you the…TUMOR GIRL? did you see…the pictures? Yes. I did. I did see them. Do I regret it? everyday.
So I’ve been recovering from the surgery for awhile and I’m finally starting to feel better. I’m gonna be going back to the doctor for a long ass time to make sure the cancer doesn’t come back. I had to miss freaking Shatterdome Seattle because of it and that sucked. But listen friends…listen closely for this is important wisdom I impart. Do not wait if you feel bad. If you feel sick or experience pain on a daily basis. Don’t be like me.
Go to the doctor. Кратенько по-русски: дева почувствовала сильную боль в животе, терпела месяц, потом попала в больницу с подозрением на кишечную инфекцию, там сделали снимок и выяснили, что на том месте, где у всех людей органы, у неё - неведомая ёбаная хуйня. В итоге ей сделали операцию и вынули из неё опухоль весом в шесть с лишним килограммов. Она несколько лет ходила с раковой опухолью яичников и не подозревала об этом, хотя и ощущала какие-то довольно неприятные процессы в теле. А вот последние пару строк я просто переведу:
Послушайте, чуваки, внимательно послушайте, потому что я хочу сказать вам очень важную вещь. Если вам плохо, не ждите. Если вы чувствуете себя нехорошо, если вам каждый день больно. Не делайте, как я. ИДИТЕ К ВРАЧУ"